HaH program’s need for mobile radiology providers

Recently, MediMatrix joined a virtual webinar hosted by the World Hospital at Home Community, an international platform to advance the hospital-at-home (HaH) model and ecosystem. This webinar was presented by industry experts from Medically Home, an organization that enables health systems to safely care for their patients at home, across the care continuum, including hospital-level care. The event focused on the need for mobile healthcare providers to successfully run a HaH program. Currently, Medically Home has launched in approximately 15 states and has about 8 more coming to market. This shows the support and push of the HaH model and the provider’s willingness to adapt. However, as outlined in the presentation, to make a HaH program a success, certain healthcare specialists such as mobile radiology imaging providers, are needed to provide a full range of patient care.

Additionally, the patient’s care team must have all medical data at their fingertips. Therefore, companies performing these radiological images need an EMR platform capable of securely sharing image data. MediMatrix has been tracking this new home-based care trend and launched a Hospital Connect product earlier this year. This solution works seamlessly with mobile radiology providers’ MediMatrix Portable Connect platform and allows them to share image data with a Hospital’s system which ultimately distributes the images to entities like Medically Home.

With hospitals adapting solutions like those provided by Medically Home, coupled with the growth of the HaH program, it is evident there is a growing opportunity for hospitals to contract mobile imaging providers for their services. Utilizing a system such as MediMatrix Portable Connect and the Hospital Connect solution, these mobile imaging companies can market to hospitals while cost-effectively scaling their business.

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