An EMR Interface Case Study

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WebInterstate Inc. recently completed an EMR interface between their MediMatrix solution and a large hospital’s EMR system. This new interface includes order and demographic transmission between the two medical record systems and both the client and the mobile radiology provider are already seeing benefits!

The hospital staff, already familiar with the internal systems can now simply input the patient’s demographic and insurance information without having to learn new processes or systems. When ready to order, the staff no longer has to enter in their system, then fax or call in the order to the mobile provider. Now they enter the necessary information in their EMR and the patient demographics, insurance, and order information transmit directly into the mobile provider’s MediMatrix solution, saving the staff time.

In addition, the mobile radiology provider is seeing benefits. They no longer need to have staff re-key in patient and order information into their MediMatrix system since the information is transmitting directly into their system to manage. Reducing time manual entering information or shuffling through faxed documentation.

Not only are both parties seeing benefits, the WebInterstate Inc. team was praised by their mobile radiology client in their efforts dedicated to this project stating:

“I appreciate the forward-thinking work that you and your team have provided us. It truly is refreshing to work with folks who can quickly see the big picture and come up with a quick and efficient resolve to any issue. I appreciate how you communicate and quickly resolve the various issues that have been thrown at us. Nice job guys.”

Brian P., NV

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